Ways You Can Reuse Yard Waste In Your Landscaping Business

Ways You Can Reuse Yard Waste In Your Landscaping Business

If your landscaping business is successful, then you service quite a few properties. Along the way, you likely also collect and even generate a substantial amount of yard waste. Of course, your clients expect you to dispose of this as part of your services. However, what if there were ways you could reuse yard waste in your landscaping business?

Types of Yard Waste and What You Can Do With Them

Yard waste is commonly categorized four different ways, but you have options on what your landscaping business can do with each of them.

  • Brush: Brush pieces will probably have to be bundled together for you to move them. These bundles are often under 70 pounds and less than 4 feet. Offer them to clients that want habitats on their properties for beneficial insects. Just make sure you create these piles away from buildings and structures.
  • Flowering/Vegetative Plants: These include climbing vines, garden plants, weeds, vegetable waste, flowers, and flowering plants. They’re very useful to add to compost piles. Select clients might want compost or its benefits without actually bothering to do any composting themselves.
  • Grass Clippings/Hedge Trimmings: This will be the bulk of your yard waste generated. Whenever possible, leave them where they are as natural mulch. If need be, haul them off to store as a mulch component for future clients.
  • Tree Remains: Branches, bark, and leaves will also be things you collect on a regular basis. Turn the smaller pieces into components of the mulch your company uses or buy and sell larger pieces as kindling or firewood.

Benefits of Reusing Yard Waste for Your Landscaping Business

You can go to website after website and see the importance of managing the world’s resources, but what are the advantages to your landscaping business to reuse yard waste?

  • Consumers love green companies: Many market demographics prefer to spend money with businesses that share their eco-conscious values. This notably includes Millennials, who are the fastest-growing segment of homeowners. According to Angi, yard waste left to rot in a landfill produces high levels of methane, a planet-warming gas.
  • It’s Free: Being in business means paying for many things, from equipment to labor. Yard waste you collect is a free resource to you, however. Any use or profit you get out of it is sheer bonus.

There are many reasons to reuse yard waste and methods for doing it in your landscaping business. Check out some additional resources to help you get started.