A Business Student’s Guide To The Different Types Of Consulting Careers

A Business Student’s Guide To The Different Types Of Consulting Careers

There are a plethora of consulting careers, and you must understand them before thinking about becoming a consultant.

Consulting is a field that many businesses invest in because it helps them improve and grow. Without consulting, a business would have a hard time going in the right direction because they wouldn’t know what steps to take.

Knowing how to start a consulting career would help any business student. It’s a great field to get introduced to the world of business, and you could make a lot of money.

Read on to learn more about the different types of consulting careers!

Management Consulting

When it comes to consulting, management is the main thing that people think of. Management consulting is all about coming up with strategies to improve the operations of a business. It’s also to ensure that a business is using their money as efficiently as possible.


Without business strategies, a company couldn’t operate at a level that grows the business. Out of all the types of consultants, a strategy consultant is one of the most important. Strategy consultants can help create a long-term vision for the business.

When coming up with strategies to achieve goals, a strategy consultant will evaluate the resources that a business has. From there, they can determine how the resources can be used to meet goals without slowing down the business.


An operations consultant handles things like process management, supply chain management, and outsourcing. They’re responsible for increasing the efficiency of a business while cutting costs as much as possible.

These consultants often work alongside senior business executives. This gives them the chance to learn more about the goals of those at a higher level. They can then ask appropriate questions to improve the business.

Financial Advisory

For a business to grow, they must ensure that they’re not wasting money. Making informed financial decisions is something that many businesses struggle with. However, a financial advisory consultant can help with that. They cover things like risk management, real estate, restructuring, etc.

Whenever a business wants to make a major financial decision, they’ll meet with their financial advisors. This is necessary because they need to legally reduce expenses. As a financial advisor, you can also expect to improve cash flow and make investments that will provide high returns.

Corporate Consulting

There are many types of consulting careers that revolve around corporate consulting, which covers a variety of things. Those in corporate consulting typically have experience working in the consulting field. This makes it easier for them to transition into this type of position.

Information Technology

Information technology (IT) is one of the most important parts of any business. IT especially impacts those that focus on technology. IT consultants will help a business by introducing technology that will help them reach their strategic goals.

Using existing tech, an IT consultant can determine what the business needs tech-wise. They’ll also work with the company’s IT team to ensure that everyone is aware of what the goals and plans are.

IT consultants can take up many roles. One of the main positions they can take is as a SAFe agilist, which leads various teams across the company. Learning how to become a SAFe agilist isn’t a difficult process, so it’s best to get certified if you want to become an IT consultant.


Environmental consulting is something that many businesses look past. However, it’s starting to become something that many businesses are investing in. This is due to the various laws and regulations being put in place.

When a company wants to start a project, they need to think about how it will affect the environment. Environmental consultants explain how a company’s project could impact the environment. They’ll also ensure that you’re doing everything legally.


Sales consulting is important because businesses need to understand how they can bring in more revenue. These consultants work alongside most other consultants because they need to be involved in various processes to get a good idea of what can be done.

Whether it’s incentivizing employees or coming up with new business strategies, a sales consultant is the one that presents these ideas.

Independent Consulting

An independent consultant is essentially someone who creates a business that revolves around consulting. These are often done when someone wants to help other businesses but can bring a lot of value that requires a lot of time.


A marketing consultant can help a business improve the way they attract customers. They often focus on things like content marketing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and print advertising.


Independent financial consultants exist to help businesses improve several processes, such as hiring new employees, developing products, and creating benefits programs. They will help a business improve cash-flow to grow the business while also keeping everyone satisfied.

Social Media

Today, over 3.5 billion people actively use social media each day. Social media consultants can manage the social media pages of a company to build their brand. They come up with campaigns to market products and services, and they figure out which platforms are the best to attract the target audience.

Look Into Various Types of Consulting Careers

Now that you’ve read this article, you have a good idea of what consulting is. As a business student, you’ll need to look into consulting careers if you’re interested in maximizing profits. We encourage you to focus on things like management and corporate consulting, but independent consulting would also be a good career.

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