Education Blog by ECA

Redesign and Improve Your Classroom: A Guide

Being a teacher is one of the best things in the world, and it’s something that could make so many people happy, both those who pass the knowledge and those who receive it. Teachers make our lives better and they deserve great working conditions, which means we all need to give them pointers and ideas on how to redesign and improve their classrooms every once in a while. Investing their time and energy into this project will take the entire learning process to a whole new level, and that’s something we all need in this day and age. So, whether you’re a teacher, a student, a parent, or just someone who wants to do something good, here’s your guide for spicing up your average classroom.

Repaint the Walls

Depending on the age and condition of your school, the chances are your classroom hasn’t been repainted in a while. This means it’s probably not looking as good as it should, with all those cracks in the walls and outdated colons everywhere around you. Luckily, this can change in just a couple of days without spending too much time, money, or energy on it.

Repainting a classroom is as easy as repainting your own home, and the only thing you need is some free time, a bucket of paint, some tools, and a few friends who will come over and give you a hand. Of course, you need to pick the right colours first and make sure they will motivate your students and encourage them to bring their A game every day of the week. Talk to them first, hear their ideas out, and make a decision together, because this will only make them want to participate in the entire redesigning process even more.

Fix the Floors

This is another important issue all teachers have to deal with as well – nobody likes faulty floors and not addressing this problem could make your students feel like they’re not appreciated and valued. If they have to spend time in a classroom that produces squeaking noises, they won’t be focused on their schoolwork and will, consequently, just waste their time. So, take a walk around your classroom, and listen to what the floor has to say to you – it might easily be time to replace it!

Doing so sounds like the hardest thing in the world, but it actually isn’t. First, get someone who has more experience and knowledge than you do to inspect the floors and check them out. This way, you’ll be able to assess the situation and get prepared on time. After that, talk to a few contractors and start negotiating prices – you’ll probably be able to spend less money on floors than you initially thought, and that’s always a good scenario. In the end, find the right floors and make sure they’re in sync with the colour of the walls you’ve picked earlier, giving your classroom even more charm than it already had.

Purchase the Furniture

No classroom is complete without some desks, chairs, benches, and other pieces of furniture you and your students use on a daily basis. So, be sure to put these high on your list of priorities and invest as much money as you can on them. You could also look into other seating options too – bean bags and hokki stools are among the best ideas out there – that could make your students fall in love with this space even more.

Also, think about adding a small kitchen too. This is where you can teach your students how to prepare a few simple meals or hot beverages, as well as make them some tea in the afternoon if they feel like it. Keep this simple, though, as an average stove, a small fridge, and those amazing fire ducts that will protect you against smoke and fire and take your safety to a new level will be just enough.

Add Some New Boards

Classrooms should be all about learning new things, and the best way to do that is by writing things down. That’s why those massive whiteboards are so popular right now, and this is a feature your new and improved classroom needs and deserves as well.

There are lots of models of these boards on the market at the moment, but you can also try making it on your own – turn this into a fun project for the entire class, and your students will surely love this idea more than you can imagine. It will also make them feel more appreciated too and will eventually surely thank you for including them into such a project in the first place.


Making your classroom more inviting, visually appealing, and cool is never easy, but it’s something you can do if you try, so explore these ideas and start introducing them into your classroom as soon as possible!