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Online Presence: How to Increase Your Marketing and Sales Efforts

Marketing on the internet has become one of the most important aspects of our global society. Various different corporate actors jockey for position on the search engine rankings, competing for the eyes of would-be viewers at home or on their phones.

Search Rankings

One of the most reliable methods of increasing one’s presence on the internet is through SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. SEO involves finding creative ways to increase the quality and quantity of web traffic. This can involve particular keywords or phrases that are deliberately utilized to increase the page’s rankings on a particular search engine, or even more complicated advertising or guerilla advertising techniques. It can also be as simple as updating your website with proper HTML tag structure. 


Engaging with your own go to website or social media accounts can also be a method of spreading awareness. Much of social media marketing works in the same sort of way that spreading awareness about, say, breast cancer does. Simply by discussing it organically you serve to increase its presence online. Though audiences are becoming increasingly aware of such tactics, they’re still nevertheless effective.

Social Media Presence

As anyone who has glanced in the general direction of Twitter in the last 10 years, the most successful companies are often the most engaged via social media. Corporations can now utilize organic internet interaction by way of official social media accounts. By including a company or product in the username, the company can then engage with the public through social media and build a following. Whether that is through humor, or discounts, or memes, or even agitprop depends on the advertiser.

This type of advertising or media presence is increasingly common in this global and modern era. Wendy’s is a perfect example of this. They have used their Twitter account to push a sort of sarcastic humor that has resonated with many young people online, and as a result, has produced many viral memes containing screenshots from the Wendy’s official Twitter account. Obviously, organic sharing of corporate material like that will drastically increase the internet presence of the company just by virtue of passive awareness.

Web Design

This is perhaps a bit old school, but another method of securing a large amount of public engagement is just having a functioning website. Not much can turn a potential customer off of a brand quite like finding difficulty actually making the purchase. Ensuring that your website functions properly, has a sleek design, and legible layout will help to secure return visits from more pragmatically minded customers.

Increasing a company’s presence on the internet is now a time-tested strategy for marketing. We see evidence of this taming of the internet in practically every facet of our lives. Building an internet presence for a company or corporation can have extraordinary results, and I encourage every growing company to at least attempt to take part; the internet is the future after all.