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Credit Cards In The College: Money Management Tips and How To Keep A Good Credit Rating

So, you just got your credit card, pretty cool, huh?The receipt of a card in the form of cash or checks is an experience that leaves the feeling free and unlimited. You can spend, spend and not sorry about expenses … right?

Trats with your credit card, not putting the limit on themselves, is a danger way of life. You end up spending more than you want to spend or better, spending money that you don’t have …

The best way to guarantee that you will be free is to choose the right bank, the right card, and the correct set limit (be the limit set by your bank or the limit you have imped on you depends on you) ..

There’s a lot of them.

Install the credit card limit.

On the day you get your card, make sure you have a limit and that the limit is appropriate for the amount of money you are doing …

Do not let the person on the other side of the table tell you what your limit will be; to set a credit card limit and remain in control of the situation ..

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Intead of caching your situation you week before you think about how much you will spend, start planning in advance so that you know how much money you earn every week and how it it issues your ability to pay your bills at the end of the month ..

Start making a real budget, see how much you get paid every week, and then how much you make for a month …

As soon as you know exactly what kind of money you work with, it’s easier to plan your budget and pay your bills …

If you receive money from parents or other sources, do not forge to multiply this amount. OR, if you want to see how well you can do with OWN money, try to manage the money you are doing and see how well you are are doing; you will always have other money as a backup plan ..